Sunday, June 24, 2007


I wanted to let all my faithful readers know that I will not have access to internet, email or blogger for the next week. I am traveling up-country into rural Liberia to continue my work. I know it is going to be a fascinating road trip and I am really looking forward to getting out of Monrovia. But services in Monrovia are practically non-existant and they are even worse elsewhere so I'll be lucky to find more than a bucket to wash myself with and a cot to throw a mosquito net over. I will keep writing while I am traveling and will have lots to post when I return next weekend.

I had hoped to leave off with a couple of postings about this weekend. I had a great day at the beach yesterday, a great hash run today, and a really interesting conversation with someone who is helping to train the new Liberian army of 102 soldiers. But it is now after 11:30pm, I still have not packed and I am getting on the road bright and early tomorrow to try and catch some farmers selling at a market on my way out of town. So this weekend's installments will also have to wait until next weekend.

Stay tuned...


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

What's a 'hash run?'

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear about the next chapter. And, YES, the fact that your grandmother is on Wikapedia does make you famous.... famous and OH so cool!!!
