Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today was a very slow day in the office, which gave me the chance to get out and do some canvassing. It was great to get out on my own in the neighborhoods and talk to people. It is certainly a very diverse town.

There are many beautiful Victorian houses that look like perfect dollhouses in life-size. I will try and bring my camera around next time because I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many beautiful houses in one place. People of all economic status, race and age told me they are supporting Obama, but I also saw plenty of McCain Signs and even a nOpe sign, with the ‘O’ as the Obama symbol.

At one house I knocked on an open door and heard the woman inside say, “Now what’s that white woman doing here”. Her son came to the door but was reticent to tell me who he was voting for. When he seemed to gain confidence in the fact that I really was there working for Obama, he said he wanted to vote for Obama, but he had heard that if Obama wins that black people will lose there jobs. People are worried about retribution. I told him that his vote was secret and that no one would ever know who he voted for but he didn’t seem so sure. It made me all the more determined to make sure that Obama does get elected.

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