Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Long Time

It has been too long since my last blog and I've decided it's time to start again. I have been traveling non-stop, but constantly to Albania. In fact, I have been spending so much time in Albania that it has started to feel more like home and my work here has been quite boring over the past few months, so I had no desire to write about it and bore you all.

I'm now back in Albania for the 6th trip in one year. I've spent a total of 6 months here, which is about three times the amount of time that I have spent at home in DC. And of course, this was in between other trips (to Belize and Guatemala on vacation, and Liberia and the Dominican Republic for work). I never thought that I would say these words, but I am seriously sick of traveling!

So I am back in Albania for two weeks, and am sort of hoping that this is my last trip for a little while. I am also very tired of my job and working for a difficult boss, so I am currently "exploring my options". With the potential for change in Zimbabwe, I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that some interesting work might come there once a new government is in place. I know I am getting ahead of myself, but my dream would be to do this work in Zimbabwe - and to stop traveling when I get there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It must be exciting to travel around the world. But I looked at this post from 2005 and your still complaining about the same things! So why don't you stop?!