Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Goddess Plan

I just checked in for my flight back to Blantyre from Lilongwe. We are flying on a tiny 18-seater plane for the 50 minute flight and so when checking in you are asked, “what is your personal weight in kilos?” Now I don't even know my weight in pounds, nevermind kilos, so the attendant asked me to hop on the luggage scale. What an unpleasant shock! I was convinced that the scale was wrong until my colleague told me his weight and then got on the scale - it was exactly right. The irony is that aside from the disappointment I felt at failing miserably at the goddess plan (to be tanner, blonder, thinner and more toned by the time I got home), I was actually a little relieved.

For three years, I struggled to identify and then poison the 7 species of parasites that had firmly attached themselves in my system during my backpacking years. During that time I lost a lot of weight and actually couldn't gain weight. I promised to never again complain about putting on a little pudge. So I'm just going to look at this as additional incentive to get in shape and train for a triathlon. (I'm also hoping that broadcasting the goal on my blog will also provide some incentive by not wanting to fail in the public eye).

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