Sunday, April 03, 2005


On Friday night I was invited to attend a real African Braii (a South Africa BBQ) with my colleagues from the project here. I had a quick meal of veggie pizza before I headed out the door, predicting (accurately) that this was not a veggie friendly event.

There was an interesting mix of people from bankers, to restauranteurs, but the majority were development types like myself. At one point in the evening, the group I was talking with was focusing exclusively on children and child raising. It became clear that once again I was the only woman there with a career and who was not following husband around the world. For some of these women, this works for them and they are completely content working in their gardens, reading and taking care of children and the house. But there are other women are dying to find a satisfying job. One of the happy housewives even pointed out that of all the couples they have met over the years in development, they are all either divorced or living back in the UK.

I am now trying to think of any woman that I know who has been overseas long term for work who is married (and whose husband has followed her). I can't think of any. The women I know who work overseas are all single or divorced. It definitely doesn't bode well. Maybe I really should try that treatment that the traditional healer gave me to help me find a husband!

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